Tuesday, June 16, 2015

The Internet Revolution Changes the Face of Investing in Commercial Real Estate

The US economy continues to make a slow but steady recovery, making it an ideal time for investing in real estate, says real estate investing guru Marco Kozlowski.  The market is currently a bull market with no signs of wavering.  For anyone new to investing, a bull market means a market where values are going up.  The opposite of a bull market is a bear market and both metaphors are derived from the way each animal fights.  Bulls swipe their horns in an upward motion signaling the upward direction of the market.  Bears claw downwards signaling a market that is going down. 
                Many people are afraid the current bull market that has been going strong for the past five years is getting to the point where it will start to downturn.  However, there is no evidence for anything that would cause that downturn.  There would have to be an upset to the economy completely unpredicted by modern economists such as a sudden upswing in interest rates.  However, interest rates are predicted to only increase at a steady, slow rate in the near future.  The economy is not strong enough for lenders to risk pushing interest rates too high and losing what confidence the market has gained.  Also many major banks have purchased some of the government’s debt keeping them well-funded and undesiring of pushing interest rates to boost profits. 
                The economy is not booming, but it is strong and continues to grow stronger each year.  Companies are doing well, offering economy boosting profits, hiring new people, and expanding their offices.  Supply for commercial real estate remains generally low so demand is high, making for good investments.
                The age of the internet and new technologies is starting to have a major effect on the real estate markets.  Many consumers are now more interested in doing their shopping through online shopping rather than in-store.  This means the age of the supermalls and big shopping centers has past and investing in that type of supercenter is becoming obsolete.  The shopping centers that are continuing to do well tend to center around attractions that are hard to replace with the internet such as grocery stores and big movie theaters.  Most of the stores tend to be restaurants or niche shops that offer options that are either hard to find online or are still cheaper to be purchased in-store.  People interested in big commercial real estate need to direct their focus to these types of centers that are still drawing a crowd rather than trying to invest in the traditional mall. 
                Additionally with the focus on online purchasing over in-store purchasing, many companies have to ramp up their online presences.  Some only use the internet for marketing purposes but many are now using their stores more as showrooms for their items with their bulk of products and sales being made through online purchases.  This also sets up a different type of building in demand than before.  With most of the work being done online, businesses are looking to have smaller stores only big enough to have a simple selection of their products and a few employees.  Commercial shopping centers, then, that have many smaller offices for sale are looking at better investments as the demand will be high.  Additionally, the greater amount of tenants can offer a greater margin for profits.
                The internet revolution is also affecting the way investors make their investments.  Crowdfunding is becoming huge across all markets.  Now people with only a small amount to invest can put money down for big commercial real estate projects.  Developers who use crowdfunding can use it to avoid having to take up a loan from the banks, or less of a loan to cut out having to pay interest and in return allow a large group of crowdfunding investors to each have a small stake in the project.  Crowdfunding allows the everyday person to make their own choices when investing and can be done in amounts that are affordable to the everyday person.
                Lastly, people are returning to the cities in droves.  Suburban centers continue to do well, but cities have seen a large up-swing in public interest.  With the concerns for the environment and personal health and fitness, people are migrating to cities where public transportation and the ability to walk wherever anyone wants to go have become big draws.  Also cities have the benefit of being packed with people and therefore draw in more attractions than suburban areas.  People wanting to be entertained are moving back to the cities to be closer to major shows, festivals, performances, spontaneous events, and more. 
Cities also attract a greater variety of attractions.  In our increasingly globalized world, people want to be able to experience more of what the world has to offer but with the convenience of not having to leave their city.  Traditional suburbs and rural areas often only offer a narrow spectrum of restaurants, arts, and entertainment.  Big cities have the luxury of a diverse population and can offer a much broader variety of attractions.  The popularization of “hipster” attitudes also changes the way investors should be looking for urban properties.  The lack of new building space requires investors to pick older, rundown properties to flip and rebrand.  Due to the hipster trend, even properties in less-favorable neighborhoods, if redeveloped properly can be turned into highly successful commercial and residential properties. 

Monday, June 8, 2015

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Thursday, June 4, 2015

Australian Real Estate Surges as Investors Begin to Look Internationally by Marco Kozlowski

Australian Real Estate Surges as Investors Begin to Look Internationally by Marco Kozlowski
                According to real estate investment guru, Marco Kozlowski, Sydney and Melbourne continue to be the strongest real estate markets in Australia.  Despite the strong focus on these two cities, Australia’s markets continue to do well overall. 
                Despite quickly rising prices, Sydney continues to do well due to its strong economy, growing population, and limited supply.  Sydney has mostly unobstructed borders with room to grow, but even so, supply cannot keep up with demand.  The population of Sydney is expected to reach 6.1 million by 2031 requiring over 50,000 new residencies to be built each year.  However, only around 45,000 homes are expected to be built each year.  The lack of obstructions to growth means that Sydney has room to grow, preventing a bubble situation, but with new construction unable to keep up with demand, the value for Sydney real estate should continue to grow. 
                Analyst Louis Christopher of SQM Research states that the real estate market in Sydney is experiencing an unmatched boom.  Original forecasts of market growth predicted an increase of 8 to 12 percent.  With further calculations, SQM increased their forecast to 12 to 15 percent price increases, but are now even considering that to be too low.  Their most recent predictions forecast price gains to increase past 20 percent. 
                Realestate.com.au Investor Hotspot released a report detailing the Sydney suburbs with the highest level of investments.  Parramatta was the number one suburb for investing.  The other top ten suburbs on the list, in order of ranking second to tenth, were Point Cook, Carlton, Blacktown, Glen Waverley, Penrith, Frankston, Auburn, Brunswick, and Liverpool. 
                West Sydney is garnering a large amount of interest due to the New South Wales government financing the area.  There is also major residential growth, as well as an alluring focus on arts and culture.  A second Sydney airport is planned for the western area of Sydney which will further increase accessibility to the area and promote the success of the economy in the region.  Additionally a new rail station, the North West Rail Link, and WestConnex will further promote traffic to the region.  As Parramatta is one of the most successful suburbs in the western Sydney area, it should continue to be an attractive area for real estate investments.
                While Sydney and Melbourne continue to be the most attractive real estate markets, new areas around Australia are beginning to rise as potential hotspots.  Investors looking to cash in on the thriving Australian market without wanting to pay for the increasing Sydney and Melbourne prices are now expanding their outlook to include regional markets.  Areas that having growing populations, a wide range of industries, and better accessibility are the best bets for investors looking at regional markets.  Mining towns are no longer attractive investment markets due to a decline in iron and coal prices.  Larger cities are safer investment options, while smaller or more rural locations tend to still be a greater investment risk.  A study by m3property ranked Newcastle, Barwon, Geelong, and Ballarat as the most active regional markets in Australia.

                Brisbane and surrounding areas of Sydney and Melbourne are also seeing new interest as investors attempt to cash in on the success of Sydney and Melbourne without paying the increasing initial costs.  Additionally the Australian government in interested in promoting investors branching out to other parts of the country and are more lenient to investors who go for real estate outside Sydney and Melbourne.  They want to promote the kind of cash in-flow that Sydney and Melbourne are seeing to as much of the country as possible.